Your Council

St Enoder Parish Council is the first tier of governance and is the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. It is a democratically elected local authority.

St Enoder Parish Council is responsible for managing its own budgets and actively encourage input from residents on what the community needs, so it can budget for that activity. It is funded mainly through the Precept, which makes up part of your Council Tax, and budgets are set annually.

St Enoder Parish Council has a range of powers and duties in relation to the community it serves. The Parish Council owns and manages Indian Queens Recreation Ground, Thomas Playing Field, Indian Queens Cemetery, St Enoder Cemetery and The Kelliers. The Parish Council has various agreements with Cornwall Council to undertake grass cutting of verges, footpaths and the Churchyard. It has also taken on responsibility of the maintenance of the closed Cemetery next to the Churchyard, which houses the St Enoder War Memorial, and also gives a grant each year to the Trustees of Fraddon Millennium Green for upkeep of the play area in Fraddon.

St Enoder Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee, and is regularly consulted on planning applications, Cornwall Council policy documents and Central Government papers.