Referendum for Neighbourhood Development Plan

Published: 18 June 2021

Electors in the parish of St Enoder will have just received polling cards for the referendum for the Neighbourhood Plan for St Enoder Parish. It will take place on Thursday 15th July.

Over the last few years, the Neighbourhood Plan was produced by the Parish Council. It is a planning document and has to be in general conformity with other planning documents such as the National Planning Policy Framework (produced by central government) and the Cornwall Local Plan (produced by Cornwall Council).

The Neighbourhood Plan does not duplicate policies or re-state guidelines included within other documents. It does however ensure an extra level of policy detail at the local level.

The question in the referendum will be:

“Do you want Cornwall Council to use the neighbourhood plan for St Enoder to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Further information about the Neighbourhood Plan will be circulated over the next four weeks.

In the meantime, it can be viewed at: